Sour Diesel

$ 125.00

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Buy Marijuana Seeds For Sale

Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds




This might be one of the most famous strains of cannabis on the planet.  Beyond the citrus end of the pot palate spectrum lies a sour lemon tang tending toward the heavy pungency of an open drum of diesel. This odor is so strong in the Sour Diesel strain that it may need to be masked during growing if stealth is a goal or necessity. Even when dried and carried in a pocket, these buds are smelly enough to raise suspicions.

Sour Diesel is a tall, thin plant suitable for sea or screen of green. She stretches in the first 3 weeks of flowering. By maturity she reaches a daunting 6 feet indoors in a slender version of the classic Christmas tree silhouette. Her foliage purples as it ages, and commonly displays pink-hued pistils. The buds are loose and spear-shaped.

Sour Diesel taste combined with its effects may be considered an “extreme sport” version of cannabis. The stone pulls smokers into the sky fast with a viscerally uplifting pleasure and lots of consciousness expansion in the direction of spirituality. This good-vibe variety may help alleviate chronic depression, as well as the ordinary blahs by encouraging a change in perspective. . This is both a yield in quantity and quality, producing high-quality, resinous, aromatic buds. Full Diesel power!